DCJ Closes Week-Long Registrars Induction
HW Patricia Amoko (Deputy Registrar/Private Legal Secretary to the Chief Registrar) receiving a certificate from Hon. Justice Richard Buteera, the Deputy Chief Justice at the closing ceremony
The Deputy ChiefJustice, Hon. Justice Richard Buteera, on September 29, 2023, officially closeda week-long induction for newly appointed Registrars at Colline Hotel, Mukono.
The Deputy ChiefJustice said Registrars are the face of the Judiciary and main administratorsof the Courts. "You should endeavor to properly execute your work because it’syou who define what we are as the Judiciary. In the new Judiciary, you play animportant role in management of Registries and Courts. You need to have certainskills and competences to perform the various roles within your mandate."
He said that the aimof coming up with such an elaborate induction programme was to provideparticipants with a platform to enhance their skills towards the Judiciarymission which is to effectively administer Justice.
The Deputy ChiefJustice commended the Judicial Service Commission for recruiting a big numberof Judicial officers and thanked Judicial Training Institute for organizing andconducting the training.
He encouraged theRegistrars to work with the Judges in laying strategies that clear case backlogand keep it under control by embracing Alternative Dispute Resolution methodslike Plea Bargaining, Mediation and Small Claims Procedure among others. "Yourworships be our ambassadors in ADR implementation strategies. Let's togethertap from the experiences of our retired Judicial Officers and advocates in yourrespective areas of jurisdiction," he said.
Adding that theyshould help in implementing ADR mechanisms as this would complement their workby feeding into their monthly returns.
The Ag. ExecutiveDirector Justice Michael Elubu thanked the Deputy Chief Justice for honoringthe invite and the Judiciary administration for providing funds for theinduction. He thanked the Registrars for participating actively in the exerciseand encouraged them to implement the lessons learned.
Posted 29th, September 2023